How to refresh your browser's cache

Why you should clear or refresh your cache.

Your web browser stores downloaded items in a folder for future use. This includes graphic images, photos, and entire web pages. When you visit a webpage, your browser checks if it already has a copy of the files, which helps speed up page loading. Sometimes, the browser may not recognize new files, leading to a conflict between the cached file and the new file.


Please find your browser below and follow the instructions to clear your cache. 


Safari File:Safari browser logo.svg - Wikipedia

Force Refresh Safari

Usually a "force refresh" is enough. You can force refresh your browser by using the following key combination:

If this does not work, please follow the full steps below.

  1. First, click on Safari and then click on Empty cache...Saf Cahce1
  2. Click on the Empty buttonSaf cache 2
  3. Click on the refresh icon
    saf cache 3




Chrome - Free logo icons

Force Refresh Chrome


Usually a "force refresh" is enough, and this will have the least impact across the rest of your browser. You can force refresh your browser by using the following quick steps:


  1. Right-click on any amply space on your browser and select  "inspect" from the menu
  2. Completely ignore the intimidating code that appears on the right-hand window, and simply right-click on your refresh icon, then select "clear cache and hard reload"

Empty cache


Press the x to close the window


If this does not work, a full cache refresh may be needed.

The easiest way to do this is to copy and paste this into your Google Chrome address bar: chrome://settings/clearBrowserData

In this new screen, ensure:

  1. you change the time range to "All time"
  2. Browsing history is unchecked if you do not wish to lose any of your browsing history, but keep cookies and cache ticked.
  3. Click the clear data button 

Clear data (1)




File:Microsoft Edge logo (2019).png - Wikipedia

To reset your cache on Microsoft Edge, press the following keys on your keyboard (simultaneously):

Ctrl + Shift + Delete 


From the new screen, click "Choose what to clear"


In the pop-out, ensure:

  1. The time range is set to "All time"
  2. Browsing and download history is unchecked (unless you do wish to clear this too), but keep cookies and cache ticked
  3. Click clear now

Clear now