You can batch export all linked tickets when on the ticket view screen.
1. Within a ticket view screen, select the hamburger menu in your screen's bottom right-hand corner.
2. Within the ticket action menu, select 'custom export'. On selection, you will be shown the 'custom export' modal.
3. Select whether you wish to export the "selected ticket only" or "linked forms".
Note: when selecting "linked forms", you will be asked to select/deselect the forms you wish to include. This is done by clicking 'customise'.
4. When you are happy with your selection, click 'next' from within the modal footer.
5. On the next screen you can decide your export type. Either a PDF of all the tickets or a ZIP file containing separate files. click 'export' to complete the process.
6. Your PDF/ZIP will now download and become available within your browser window.